A Heavy Weight

December 07, 2024 00:04:41
A Heavy Weight
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
A Heavy Weight

Dec 07 2024 | 00:04:41


Show Notes

READ: MATTHEW 5:43-48; EPHESIANS 4:26, 31-32

Have you ever worn a full backpack for more than a few minutes? When you first put it on, it doesn’t seem too bad. But after walking across campus or standing in line for a while, it can feel like that backpack is getting heavier and heavier. Of course, you didn’t add anything to your load. But as your back gets more tired, it can certainly feel like the backpack weighs more.

Sometimes, anger and bitterness can work like that too. At first, it may seem easy to carry around a grudge against someone who’s hurt you. But after a while, it starts to get very heavy. It wears you out and drains your energy, leaving you exhausted and sore.

But Jesus offers us a different way. Instead of stubbornly clinging to our resentment, Jesus tells us to hand it over to Him. As we rely on Jesus, He replaces our hatred with His love and forgiveness (Ezekiel 36:26). And this is only possible because He died and rose again to forgive our sin. If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we don’t have to carry around our anger and bitterness anymore. Through His Word, His Holy Spirit, and His people, God reminds us of how much Jesus loves and forgives us, and that truth frees us to extend that same love and forgiveness to others.

Have you ever felt the heaviness of anger and bitterness in your heart? Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end, unforgiveness hurts. It weighs on both you and the person you’re angry at. But, when you find yourself getting mad at someone, you don’t have to let your anger fester and hurt your relationship. Instead, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can honestly tell that person how you feel and be willing to forgive.

Remember, Jesus died for our sins and rose again so we could know His love and forgiveness and show it to others. We can always give our grudges to Jesus, and then trust Him to help us forgive those who have hurt us. • A. W. Smith

• Can you remember a time Jesus helped you let go of a grudge? What was that like?

• Sometimes, letting go of anger and bitterness is easier said than done. It can be a process—and that’s okay! Whenever we notice it starting to resurface in our hearts, we can bring it straight to Jesus. He is eager to help us lay these burdens down. Who are trusted Christians in your life who can help you process the hurts you’ve experienced with Jesus and, if necessary, set up good boundaries?

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger…Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV) 

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