READ: PSALM 119:105; JOHN 1:4; 2 CORINTHIANS 4:6
Darkness. That was it. No matter which way Aurelia turned, the overwhelming wall of darkness pressed in on her, so thick it seemed smothering. She gasped for air, finding it harder and harder to breathe as she ran madly. She ran as fast as she could, going somewhere, anywhere, away from wherever here was. But, hard as she tried to escape it, the darkness seemed to follow her, encasing her vision in pitch-black nothingness.
Suddenly, she felt her toe catch on something on the ground, and Aurelia found herself sprawled on the ground before she could even blink. Exhausted, she lay there, trying desperately to think up a good plan—any plan that could get her out of here. Then she remembered. Immanuel. Her help in times of trouble. Her comfort, and her refuge. Her light in the darkness. Light!
Aurelia shut her eyes tight against the pressing darkness, and cried out, “Immanuel! Please, I need help! I’m alone, I’m scared, and I don’t know where to go! I remember Your promise to me—to be my light in the darkness.” With a shaking hand she attempted to stem the flood of tears streaming down her face. “Please come…I need you!”
“Look up, child. Do not be afraid.” Aurelia’s eyes snapped open, and she gasped. For there, standing above her, was the glowing figure of a man holding a small, bright lantern. Light! She sprang up and raced straight into His outstretched arms, crying, “Immanuel! Thank you! Thank you for coming for me!” He smiled down at her. “Oh, dear child, have no fear.” He stroked her hair and said in a soft voice, “I never left you. And I never will.” • Anna Tuckfield
• Our world is full of great, overwhelming darkness. Things like violence, hunger, sickness, and death all contribute to this unseen void—and so do pride, envy, and a host of other public and private sins. But, we don’t have to walk it alone (Psalm 23:4). God sent His Son to come guide us through our journey in this sinful world. Jesus wants to light our way. By reading His Word, spending time with Him, and learning about Him alongside fellow Christians, we can keep our eyes on His light. We are never alone in the darkness—we will always have a leading light (Psalm 119:105). Though sin may trip us and send us flying, Jesus still promises to be our refuge, strength, and advocate in heaven. When we bring our sins and burdens to Him, He forgives and redeems us (Psalm 55:22; 1 John 2:1-2). He will lead us out of our sins and into life. Consider taking some time to talk to Jesus about the sins and struggles you’re facing today.
“I [Jesus] am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 (NIV)
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