A Little Fire

January 30, 2025 00:05:08
A Little Fire
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
A Little Fire

Jan 30 2025 | 00:05:08


Show Notes


Have you ever seen a place that’s been destroyed by a forest fire? Forest fires can cause miles of destruction, leaving nothing but the charred remains of trees in their wake. And all this damage can be caused by something as small as an unattended campfire. When the weather is dry, just one stray spark can create a fire that quickly burns out of control.

Did you know the Bible calls the tongue a fire? James 3:6 literally says, “the tongue is a flame of fire.” The things we say can have the same effect as an unattended campfire. Our words can destroy friendships and damage lives. Whether in person or online, we can hurt people’s feelings and their reputations—especially when we gossip.

Sometimes we may think it’s okay to say unkind things about other people if those unkind things are true. And while, yes, sometimes there may be a good reason to tell someone, it’s important to think about our intention in doing so. Are we repeating certain information because we want to help that person—or hurt them? Are we trying to process something hurtful with a safe person, or report a dangerous situation to a trusted adult—or are we repeating unkind information to make ourselves look good or feel interesting and important?

Like a tiny spark, a small bit of gossip can spread and cause a lot of harm. But once we know Jesus, having a fiery tongue doesn’t fit who we are anymore. Jesus saved us and filled us with His love so we can build others up with our words like He does, not burn them down. Instead of starting fires and spreading gossip, Jesus calls us to use our words to point to His love.

Proverbs 26:20 reminds us that fires keep going as long as there is wood to burn, and gossip continues as long as there are people willing to repeat it—and as long as there are others willing to listen. God doesn’t want us to take part in repeating or listening to gossip. Instead, we can rest securely in Jesus, knowing that He loves us. We don’t need to gossip to be worthy of love and attention. We can find everything we need in Jesus. • A. W. Smith

• Can you think of a time you participated in gossip? It’s an easy sin to fall into. Consider spending some time with Jesus, confessing any sins that come to mind and asking Him to help you move forward in love. You can rest in His complete, total forgiveness. Then, consider if there are any ways you can bring healing to anyone who may have been hurt by your words.

• When you hear something that you think might be harmful or dangerous, who is a trusted adult you could talk to about it?

Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops. Proverbs 26:20 (NLT) 

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