READ: JAMES 1:2-4; 1 PETER 2:21-23
Do you remember the last time you had a cold? Maybe you had a scratchy, sore throat, congested sinuses, body aches, a fever, or all of those at once. Colds can be pretty awful.
Do you have someone to help you when you get sick? Someone who’ll bring you warm drinks and food, help you call the doctor and tell them about your symptoms, and remind you to take your medicine? Most of the time, we just need to rest and let a cold run its course, and eventually we’ll feel better. While having someone to help us through a cold can ease some of the discomfort, colds can sure teach us a thing or two about patience, can’t they? Romans 12:12 tells us to be “patient in affliction,” and in a small way, that includes colds.
An affliction is when you’re going through a hard time. It could be when you’re not feeling well, or you’re in a painful situation, or something even worse. We all go through trials and afflictions in life, but we can endure them with patience when we remember Jesus is with us. He went through the greatest affliction of all when He died on the cross to save us, and one day He’ll bring all our suffering to an end (Revelation 21:1-5). Until then, He promises to help us through hard times, kind of like how a loved one can help us through a cold. And often, one of the ways Jesus provides the help and care we need is through other people.
It’s not easy to be patient when we’re going through something difficult or painful, but we can remember we’re not going through it alone. Jesus suffered and died, and then rose from the dead, so we could be saved and have eternal life with Him. He promises to always be with us and care for us (John 14:16-18). We can trust Him to help us through difficulties, and to help us persevere as we wait for the day He’ll bring all our afflictions to an end. • A. W. Smith
• Can you remember a time you experienced Jesus’s love and care during an affliction, perhaps through another person? What was that like? Consider taking a moment to thank God for this, and maybe even thank the person too.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 (NIV)
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