An Amazing Kind of Love

December 26, 2020 00:03:01
An Amazing Kind of Love
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
An Amazing Kind of Love

Dec 26 2020 | 00:03:01


Show Notes

What kind of love is required for someone to take on the sins of others? What kind of love makes someone die so others can live? When we think of people in our lives we would die for, we tend to think of the people who we love mostand the people who love us the most. We don’t often think of those people who put us down every day and try to make us miserable. But Jesus gave His life for everyone. He didn’t die just for those who loved Him a lot. He didn’t say, I’ll die for everyone except people who have hurt Me. In His grace, He died for the people we might think of as the best and He died for the people we might think of as the worstbecause we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). And He loved us so much, He resurrected from the dead, securing the resurrection of His people when He returns. In other words, salvation is for anyone who puts their trust in Jesus. What kind of love is that? An amazing kind of love! It’s hard to love the people in our lives who have hurt us the most. It’s even more difficult to imagine taking on their sin or giving our lives for them. What Jesus did was incredible, showing His perfect love toward usa love that goes beyond anything that we, as sinners, could ever give. We bask in the love Jesus offers, and we look to Him in amazement as He proves His love for even those people we feel are undeserving (including ourselves). Emily Acker Jesus’ love is amazing! What are some ways you can share His love with others, using both your words and actions? Apart from Jesus, we are all unworthy of God’s love. How does knowing this change the way you view others? No power in the sky above or in the earth belowindeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Romans 5:6-11

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