Being Present

March 14, 2022 00:03:57
Being Present
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Being Present

Mar 14 2022 | 00:03:57


Show Notes

The rich scent of trees and earth fill the deep woods. Waves of alternating warm and cool breezes wash over your skin as you step from the shadows to the sunlight and back again. Bright eyes of a cherished friend sharing a story. Wide smiles and wrinkled hands of the ones who have been there for years. Holding on to these moments that slip by far too quickly. Rushing out the door, heart squeezing. The list is never-ending, the clock keeps on ticking. Hurrying by the friend struggling with a load to carry. Taking air in your lungs, but not breathing deep. Not allowing your fingers to linger on the cat’s soft fur or the rough bark on a tree you pass. Being present is a struggle. We all have demands on our time, deadlines to make, life to live. But even as we feel the push and pull of hurry, we don’t have to be mastered by it. Being present in the midst of daily life is a choice one we have to practice. We can make time to see, hear, feeljust be in the moment God has given us. Choosing to slow down and really feel the sun on your skin, breathe deeply of a flower, gaze into the eyes of a loved onethese choices are honoring to the God who has given us good gifts (James 1:17). God wants to give us an abundant life, a full life (John 10:10). He sent us His one and only Son, Jesus, so that we could experience the freedom and fullness of life with Him. His invitation is, Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). Throughout His Word, God reminds us to meditate on His unfailing love for us (Psalm 48:9). If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, He has freed us from a life ruled by rush and worry; instead, He calls us to seek His Kingdom first and focus on today (Matthew 6:31-34). Through the Holy Spirit, He helps us to be present and rest in the presence of Jesus. Savannah Coleman Like David did in Psalm 19, you can allow your heart to take in the beauty of God’s creation and consider His unchanging goodness. What is one of your favorite things God has made? God created us to have sweet relationship with Him, to lovingly linger, to gaze at His beauty and enjoy His creation. How might being present to our surroundings help us grow closer to God? Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I [Jesus] will give you rEsther Matthew 11:28 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Psalm 19; Matthew 11:28

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