Bird Calls

April 04, 2022 00:05:00
Bird Calls
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Bird Calls

Apr 04 2022 | 00:05:00


Show Notes

I examined the scroll. The instructions were clear, but sometimes hard to interpret. I nodded my head confidently as I rolled up the scroll and stuffed it into my satchel. I would need to make my way through the Whispering Forest, cross Chelsey’s Chasm on the second bridge, then travel through the Ash Trenches. Simple enough, but not easy. Still, my steps had a joyful bounce. I was glad the Son of the High King had periled through our country to clear a path for us. A friend from my village had given me the instructions spoken by the King Himself, and I had started the journey right away. Be sure to follow the path exactly, he had said. Then he whispered, And beware the Prince of the Air. All shuddered when speaking of the thief prince. I was deep in the forest when a raspy screech startled me. Crimson-beaked black birds crowed, Away! Away! I had to catch my beating heart. I suppose those birds had always been there, but I noticed them more now. I made it through the forest, the birds still following me, screeching, Away! Away! When I came to the first bridge, I was so relieved. I almost set foot on the bridge thinking, “A way across!” But then I laughed as I remembered I needed to cross on the second bridge. Once I found it, I crossed the chasm and started toward the Ash Trenches. This was the part I feared the most. Away! Away! The landscape became rocky and hazardous the closer I got to the trenches. Away! Away! Finally, I came to the first trench. Its walls were steep and jagged, and the birds were silent for the first time. “Away! Away!” I heard inside my head. I looked around the trench and saw the rocky plains. I started backing away from the trench. Maybe I was supposed to go away from here and instead go through the plains? I tripped on a rock and fell on my satchel. I remembered the scroll. I checked it quickly. Yep. The way is through the trench. Abigail Scibiur Jesus faced every temptation we do, and He overcame them all (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus was the only one who could live without sinning, and He has compassion on us. Because of God’s great love, He gave His life for usdying on the cross and raising from the dead so that we could be totally forgiven and free from sin. He calls us to follow His good ways, but even when we do give in to temptation, Jesus extends His grace and mercy to us (1 John 2:1). When we are experiencing temptation, how might it be comforting to know that Jesus understands what we’re going through and wants to help us? We face various challenges that come in many forms on our journey with God. What specific tools has God given us to help us combat these challenges? (Ephesians2:1-10) Throughout our lives, the enemy tries to lead us away from where God is leading us. But as we follow Jesus, He empowers us to overcome the pull of the enemy. Can you think of a time you didn’t know what to do, but then something in the Bible helped you? Many temptations are hard to spot in the moment. How does the Holy Spirit help us in these moments? (John 14:25-26) Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:7-8 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Ephesians 2:1-Ephesians 2:10; 1 Peter 5:6-1 Peter 5:11

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