READ: PSALM 103:11-12; ISAIAH 43:25; MALACHI 3:16-17
Do you ever wonder what you were like when you were a baby? In addition to photos stored on computers, phones, and in albums, some families keep a remembrance book where they keep special details about their children, along with mementos from their growing-up years. A footprint from when they were a month old. A piece of their first baby blanket. A note of when they first walked and talked. The list goes on.
In a way, God has a book of remembrance too. When we put our trust in Jesus, we become a member of God’s family. And God, our good Father, remembers all His children by name. Because when we put our trust in Jesus, He writes each of our names in His book and deletes the record of our wrongdoing—all our sins are forgiven. As Christians, we are totally blameless in God’s sight (Ephesians 1:4).
Of course, sin does have consequences, and when we do something wrong, Jesus calls us to admit we’ve sinned and repent by turning away from sin and turning toward Him. But that sin will never show up in God’s remembrance book because Jesus took all our sins on Himself when He went to the cross. So instead of dwelling on our failures, He wants us to turn away from sin and rest in the work He has done for us by dying on the cross and rising from the dead to forgive us. We can joyfully walk with Jesus, knowing that we are God’s forgiven children. • A. W. Smith
• As Christians, we can know that God doesn’t keep a record of our sins because Jesus has already paid the price for all our wrongdoing. When we’re tempted to dwell on our failures, we can run to Jesus. Whenever we do something wrong, we can confess it to Him. He promises to always forgive us—and give us strength to move forward in our walk with Him. Consider taking a moment to ask God to bring to mind any sins you could confess to Him. As you repent from these sins, picture how Jesus erased them from God’s book of remembrance forever.
• When you sin, who are trusted Christians in your life who can remind you of God’s love and forgiveness? How could you also remind others of these truths?
A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name. Malachi 3:16b (NIV)
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