Christian Politics

December 28, 2019 00:03:32
Christian Politics
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Christian Politics

Dec 28 2019 | 00:03:32


Show Notes

READ: MATTHEW 5:43-48; 22:34-40

There is one sure way to start an argument in a room full of people: start talking about politics. Social media feeds are full of opinions about politics and political officers—overflowing with conversations laced with fear and anger. Wherever these conversations take place, we as humans can be very negative and even hateful toward those we disagree with.

But, as Christians, where should we stand as far as politics? There’s no verse in Scripture that says, “You shall be a Republican” or “You shall be a Democrat.” In fact, there are Christians on both sides.

What the Bible is clear about is that we should always stand on the side of love of God and others—we are called to love our neighbors and pray for our enemies. So, even if a certain politician or party that we are against feels like our enemy, we are called to love them and pray for them. As today’s Bible passage says, it’s easy to pray for someone we like and agree with. But we are truly following God when we pray for those who have different opinions about politics than us, thinking the best of them (Philippians 4:2-8).

So, when we find someone who has different political beliefs than we do— instead of responding in hatred and fear—we should treat them with love and respect. As Christians, we are called to show God’s love to others—the same love God showed to us through Christ (Romans 5:8). • Melissa Yeagle

• Are you strongly for or against a certain political party or politician? If so, how do you treat those who have a different opinion than you?

• Why is it important for us to pray for those in political offices (1Timothy2:1-4)?

• Why is it important for us to show God’s love to others even when we do not agree with them?

But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! Matthew 5:44 (NLT)

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