Decorating the Tree

December 09, 2023 00:04:35
Decorating the Tree
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Decorating the Tree

Dec 09 2023 | 00:04:35


Show Notes

READ: JOHN 14:6; TITUS 2:10-14

Have you ever helped decorate a Christmas tree? In many families, this is a yearly tradition, especially in the United States of America. Some families even like to add new ornaments every year! In some cases, each person will make their own ornament, or the family will go to a store together and have each family member pick out one new ornament. Then, they’ll put all the ornaments on the family Christmas tree. What really makes a tradition like this fun is the way the unique personality of each family member comes out in the ornaments each person makes or chooses—in how each person helps decorate the tree.

In a way, Christians are kind of like Christmas tree ornaments. In Titus 2:10, Paul says that God’s people “adorn the doctrine of God, our Savior, in all things.” To adorn basically means to decorate. Just like each Christmas tree ornament is different but decorates the same tree, each Christian has different talents, interests, and life circumstances, but we all represent the same truth—that Jesus loves us, and He died and rose again to save us from sin and death.

God’s truth is already beautiful on its own, similar to how an evergreen tree is beautiful even without any ornaments. And yet, God calls us each to decorate His truth to help others see just how beautiful it is. In fact, God says we are part of the beauty of His gospel, or good news. The gospel isn’t just words on a page—the gospel is demonstrated in our lives. When we share what Jesus has done for us and use our gifts, personalities, and the various things we do to express our love for Him and others, we put the beauty of His love and grace on display for all to see.

In Titus 2, Paul writes about all kinds of Christians, each with unique circumstances and abilities. If you know Jesus, you can show others His love wherever you are by using the gifts He has given you. So the next time you see a Christmas tree, think about how you can “adorn the doctrine of God, our Savior, in all things” (Titus 2:10) and point others to the beauty of Jesus. • A. W. Smith

• Throughout the Bible, we see how God both calls and empowers His people to do good works (Matthew 5:14-16; Ephesians 2:10; Titus 2:14). It’s fun to notice how God made every person unique, and so the ways we do these good works will also be unique! What are some of your talents, gifts, and interests? How could those things in your life be like ornaments that decorate God’s message of hope in Jesus?

…they may adorn the doctrine of God, our Savior, in all things. Titus 2:10b (WEB) 

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