Do you know someone who has dementia? Dementia is a group of conditions that involve declining thinking skillssuch as memory and communication. Since these changes usually happen over time, family members of those with dementia often say it’s like losing their loved ones in stagesmaking the grief process long and complicated. Dementia is very much a part of our broken world, causing deep pain for those with dementia and their caregivers. So, as Christians, how can we love our neighbors affected by dementia? One of the most important things we can do is pray. We can pray with and for the person suffering and for their caregivers, as well as for researchers who are still looking for a cure. We can go to Jesus with the incredible hurt surrounding the situation, lamenting before Him about our anger toward the brokenness of this world (1 Peter 5:7). As we cry out to Jesus, we can also give our presence and empathy to the people involved. We can lament together with them, listen to them, and just be with them. Even if the person with dementia doesn’t remember you afterward, they will still feel loved by your visit. Visits also help caregivers feel supported as they help their loved ones face this battle. Being present with those with dementia shows an important truth: Jesus knows our every hurt personally (Hebrews 4:14-16). He loved us enough to live among us, and He is still with His people today (Matthew 28:20; John 1:14). He sees our sinand the hurt and destruction it causesso He died and rose again to beat it (Romans 8; Colossians 1:9-20). In Christ, dementia does not have the final word. As Christians, we look forward to resurrection bodies free from the effects of sin (1 Corinthians 15). Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, death and disease will one day be no more (Revelation 21:1-5). Melissa Yeagle Do you know someone who is suffering with dementia or another illness? How can you show the love of Christ to this person and their caregivers? How can you pray for them during this time? If you or a loved one is dealing with a serious illness, who can you reach out to for help? The creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. Romans 8:21 (NLT)
Read Verses:
Matthew 22:34-40; Romans 8:11-30
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