READ: PSALM 119:130; PROVERBS 2:1-5
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a deep sea diver? If you’ve been to the ocean, you know how beautiful it is to see waves crashing on the shore. And yet, when we begin to explore what’s beneath the surface, we see things that are even more beautiful. Deep sea divers find an amazing variety of marine life, from stunning sea creatures to colorful coral.
It’s the same way with the Bible. If you grew up in church, you’ve probably heard lots of Bible stories and learned many biblical principles. These are good and important—and beautiful. And yet, when we dive beneath the surface and explore deeper into the Bible, we keep discovering more and more wonderful truths about who God is.
It can be easy to think that reading the Bible isn’t very important, especially if we learn about what it says in church or at home. But learning about Jesus through His Word is a lifelong process. There’s always more He wants us to know, and He will continue to reveal treasures of knowledge, insight, and wisdom as we dive deeper into the Bible. He will help us grow in our faith, coming to grips with the power of God Himself, understanding His ways, and enjoying fellowship with His Spirit.
It’s so refreshing to be in God’s Word. No matter how long we’ve been a Christian, as we spend time reading and studying the Bible, He will keep teaching us new things. He’ll help us understand more about Himself and what He did to save us, and He’ll show us His promises and how He calls us to live life with Him. As we dive deep into His Word, we will see wonderful things. • A. W. Smith
• What parts of the Bible are you curious about? Consider spending some time reading them today, asking God to help you see what He wants to show you.
• When you have questions about the Bible, who are trusted Christians in your life who can help you find scholarly resources like study Bibles, commentaries, articles, or videos?
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. Psalm 119:18 (NIV)
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