Every hurt that Spills from your eye, Slips down your cheek, And falls from your chin, Is caught. Is treasured in a bottle. By a loving Father Who values His children’s tears, Knows why they cry them, And draws them close. Yes, the hands marked with nail scars, Are drawing you, Broken as you are, Closer to His heart, Into a heavenly embrace. Eliana Canfield What hurts have you experienced lately? God knows each of your sorrows and always wants to comfort you when you’re hurting. Jesus carried all your sorrows when He went to the cross (Isaiah 53:4), and when He rose from the dead, He guaranteed His promise to return and put an end to all painforever (Revelation 21:4). But in the meantime, Jesus grieves your hurts alongside you. How might it give you comfort to know that God values your tears, and He invites you to take time to grieve? You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 (NLT)
Read Verses:
Psalm 34:17-Psalm 34:18; Psalm 147:3
There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in an endless cycle of sin. These sin cycles steal our life, slowly consuming us until we don’t...
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