Following Jesus over Society

January 10, 2021 00:04:12
Following Jesus over Society
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Following Jesus over Society

Jan 10 2021 | 00:04:12


Show Notes

How our heavenly Father views wealth and greatness sometimes looks different from the way earthly parents do. Such was the case for Clare Offreduccio. Born into a noble family in Assisi, Italy, more than eight hundred years ago, Clare knew her parents had one expectation of her: marry well, produce heirs, and retain the family riches. Clare wanted to love others in the same way Jesus loved her, and, in her situation, she felt the best way to do that would be to serve in full-time ministry. She had a special emphasis on rejecting wealth and living simply to best help those she served. This was her way of making Jesus’ kingdom central to her life instead of money. So, instead of entering an arranged marriage, at eighteen years old, Clare enlisted the help of St. Francis and ran away from home to become a Benedictine nun. She went on to found the Community of Poor Ladies, nicknamed barefoot nuns because they kept themselves so poor, they wore no shoes and often slept on the ground. Clare became abbess in a house near the church of San Damiano and served in that role for many years. Later, when Assisi was threatened by the army of Emperor Frederick II, soldiers propped a ladder against the convent wall to climb it. Clare instructed the convent chaplain to hold the bread and wine for communion up to the window. All the while, Clare prayed for God’s protection. God worked in a mighty way, and the soldiers fled in terror. Clare clearly heard God’s call on her life, courageously resisted contrary societal expectations, and instead, followed Jesus. She ended up having a far greater impact than what her family envisioned for her, with thousands of women today still carrying on her ministry in the order she founded. Her life inspires us to center our lives on Jesus’ kingdom instead of on what society wants us to do. Ronica Stromberg Jesus used Clare in a unique way at a unique time in history. Serving in God’s kingdom looks different for every Christian because God calls His people to serve Him in many different ways. What do you think God is calling you to do with your life? Who are trusted Christians in your lifesuch as pastors, parents, youth leaders, or counselorsyou could talk to about how God might be calling you to serve Him and His church? But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Matthew 6:1-34; Mark 10:29-30

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