READ: ISAIAH 62:5; 65:17; REVELATION 19:6-9; 21:1-5
Come, let’s run,
laugh in God’s sun,
ride on the wind,
let the joy begin!
Come, let’s bring
a praise offering,
a new melody,
join the harmony!
Come, let’s play,
in unending day,
the night has gone,
we dance in the dawn!
Come, let’s dance,
it’s a royal romance,
the feast has begun,
for the bride has come!
Sing, sing! Sing
a new song!
High and low,
Loud and long!
Praise, praise! Praise
To the Lamb!
Forever is here!
We are new again!
The Scriptures that inspired today’s poem are all about the ultimate wedding party: the never-ending feast that begins when we, the bride (all who put our trust in Jesus), are joined forever to Christ, our bridegroom (Isaiah 62:5; John 3:28-30; Revelation 19:7). All this happens as Jesus returns to earth and the new creation dawns—accompanied by joyful offerings of praise and celebration.
By portraying the homecoming of believers as a joyful feast, I think God displays His grace in a truly radical way. Here’s what I mean: if it were up to me, at the end of time I’d picture us “pardoned sinners” solemnly filing in, bowing down to God like prisoners released from our just punishment…but no! We, the forgiven, are ushered into the greatest homecoming party ever—complete with music, feasting, dancing, and best of all: the light of God’s very presence (Revelation 22:5). Let the joy begin! • G. Kam Congleton
• As you read today’s Scriptures, what thoughts cross your mind? What hopes arise in your heart?
“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.” Revelation 19:7 (NIV)
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