Forgiveness Awaits

February 22, 2022 00:03:24
Forgiveness Awaits
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Forgiveness Awaits

Feb 22 2022 | 00:03:24


Show Notes

“All that I’ve done all the people I’ve hurt there is no way I’m still worthy of being saved. Jesus might have died for some, but He definitely didn’t die for me. She wiped at her eyes with a shaky hand. There is no way I could be forgiven for all I’ve done. No way. Shh Her grandmother touched her shoulder, her hand warm. Nothing you do can take you too far away from God. Jesus died for all, not just some. You can be forgiven. I took too long. I should’ve turned to Him a long time ago. She shook her head. I knew that I could’ve turned to him when I was younger. I knew I could’ve asked for forgiveness then. Sweetheart, it’s not too late. Her grandmother cupped her granddaughter’s chin in her hands, gently lifting her gaze to see the compassion in her ancient eyes. The God I serve wants you to know it’s never too late. To a criminal on a cross, Jesus said that paradise was waiting. Moments from death, this man was offered forgiveness. I’m not good enough. You don’t have to be. Jesus is enough for you. I don’t know how to pray. I can help. I’m scared. She pulled away from her grandmother, turning her gaze down again. Like, really, really scared. Her grandmother embraced her. There’s no reason to be scared, sweet girl. Oh, Jesus, come be with my granddaughter right now. Emily Acker Have you ever felt unworthy of being forgiven and loved by God? Many people feel this way, yet Jesus’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead are enough to pay for all our wrongdoing. He forgives everyone who puts their trust in Him. Who are trusted Christians in your life you could talk to about this? (For more about God’s forgiveness, see our “Know Jesus” page.) Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. Psalm 80:19 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Psalm 103:9-Psalm 103:13; Luke 23:32-Luke 23:43; Psalm 80:19

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