Have you ever felt weighed down by this world? Like you were a slave to the sin and pain of the past? I’ve been down that road too. And all it led to was anxiety and exhaustion, the exact opposite of how God wants me to live as His child through Christ. Every day, I’d wake up fearful, feeling as if I still hadn’t been cleansed from some sin in my lifedragging the past into the future. There was no rest or peace in me, only a vicious cycle of pain and mental torment. Satan had been feeding me the lie that I was a slave to my thoughts and sin. As a result, I was helpless to live the life God desired for me. Through God’s Word, and insight from godly Christians, it became easier for me to stop feeling condemned by the past. In Christ, I am no longer condemned; I am no longer a slave to sin (Romans 6:6). Because of what Christ did on the cross and when He rose from the grave, the chains of sin and death that were once holding me have now been released. I am forgiven in Christ through faith in what He did, so, each day, the Holy Spirit is working in my life through the process of sanctification, helping me live the life Christ has for me because I know God’s promises in Christ. I’ve learned that a life lived in light of the forgiveness and promises of Jesus results in true peace. I may not always understand God’s forgiveness or love, but I’m thankful for His constant, never-failing guidance that ultimately leads to an abundant, joyful life. When we’re forgiven in Christ, God doesn’t want us to be worried about our past sins. In fact, God doesn’t want us to worry about anything. Instead, He wants us to present our requests to Him, a God of peace (Romans 16:20; Philippians 4:6-7). • Nathan Fisler Have you ever been in a constant state of misery? If so, who did you turn to? As Christians, why is it so easy to worry about the past, even though Jesus has forgiven us? What are some verses you can use to battle against the devil’s lies? Who are some Christians in your life you can talk to when you are struggling with worry? A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I [Jesus] have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance. John 10:10 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Matthew 18:28; Romans 8:1-2; Galatians 5:1
I think of Andrew, Peter’s brother, as a seeker. When Jesus told His disciples to give the crowd of over five thousand people something...
I’ve been learning so much about the world. I had no idea Satan had his fingers so curled. It isn’t much like the time...
READ: PSALM 119:34; PROVERBS 1:1-7; ACTS 17:10-12; EPHESIANS 1:15-23 As we grow in our faith, it’s good to ask questions. Questions help us dive...