READ: MATTHEW 6:25-34; MARK 14:32-36; 1 PETER 5:6-7
"I need this recommendation to submit this application,” I told my parents. “And I need to submit this application now because the program might run out of spots.”
“Hey, have you considered that you might be anxious?” my mom asked me. “This seems like something you don’t have control over.”
“No, no, I’m just considering all the options,” I said. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was indeed experiencing anxiety.
The next day, new worries crept up. Cars! I don’t own a car, but how will I ever become a confident driver on unfamiliar Midwest roads? I thought. How will I afford a car in the first place, for that matter, not to mention gas and repairs and everything that comes with it?
Anxiety. Oops. What does God’s Word say about anxiety? Well, for starters, 1 Peter 5:6-7 says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
First, I realized that I needed to humble myself. I needed to realize that God has control, not me. Sometimes I think I would like to have control, but when I think about it more, control is something better left in God’s hands (Isaiah 55:8-9). He is my King, and He knows what He’s doing.
Second, when we know that God has control, we can cast our anxieties on Him. We can throw out our worries like old crutches we don’t need anymore.
Third, God cares for us. We can cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for us. In Matthew 6, Jesus said that our heavenly Father already knows all our needs before we ask Him. He knows we can’t do everything ourselves, and He wants to help us.
The truth is, there are many things in life we don’t have control over. But even in our powerlessness, God holds our future. Our hope is in Christ. Though He is God the Son, Jesus Christ completely gave up control to follow God the Father’s will, even to the point of death. Out of love, He gave up His life for us. Then, He was raised from the dead, making the way for us to live with God forever.
One day Jesus will return and put an end to everything that is worrisome. Until that day, we’ll all experience anxiety from time to time, but Jesus will continue to hold us securely in His love (Romans 8:35-39). Maybe, just maybe, we can give our worries to Him. • Eliana Duran
• What kinds of worries do you find hardest to give to God?
• God loves us so much that Jesus endured terrible anxiety before He went to the cross for us (Matthew 26:36-39; Mark 14:32-36; Luke 22:39-45). When we experience anxiety, how could remembering that Jesus knows what anxiety feels like make it easier for us to come to Him?
• There is no formula for how to cast our anxiety on God, but a good place to start is by simply talking to Him. We can be totally honest about all the things that worry us, we can tell Him about the anxiety we experience, and we can ask for His help. Remember, God doesn’t scold us for feeling anxious. Instead, He has compassion on us. Consider taking some time to talk to God about whatever is on your mind today.
• Sometimes, we experience thoughts and feelings that are too much for us to handle on our own, even by praying and reading the Bible. But God wants to help us in lots of ways, including through other people, such as medical and mental health professionals who can help us figure out if what we are experiencing is worry, anxiety, or something else. If you find yourself feeling afraid, stressed, or worried a lot of the time, or if your thoughts keep going to dark places or “what if” scenarios and you can’t seem to stop, who is a trusted adult you could talk to?
• If you need someone to talk to, you can request a free conversation with Focus on the Family’s Counseling Department by calling 1-855-771-HELP (4357) weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Mountain Time). Please be prepared to leave your contact information for a counselor to return a call to you as soon as possible. In Canada, book your appointment by calling 1-800-661-9800 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) and ask to speak with the care associate.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NIV)
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