God Knows

September 25, 2022 00:03:43
God Knows
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
God Knows

Sep 25 2022 | 00:03:43


Show Notes

God knows why things are happening the way they are in our lives and in
this world. We can look at everything going on around us and wonder how
it’s all going to make sense in the end. We can see bad things taking place
and wonder if God might be surprised or if those bad things might mess up
His plans.

But God is not surprised by anything that happens. Not in your personal
life, the country you are living in, or anywhere in the world and beyond.
He knows what the future holds, and He cares about every detail. He knows
how everything is going to work out in the end, and He is intimately
involved in the mess. Through Jesus, He offers healing and invites people
to know Him, trust Him, and follow Him. He is
good, and His love endures forever (Psalm 136:1).

God can take the bad and use it for good. He can transform even the
horrible things into beautiful things. God knows what you are going to go
through, and He has compassion on you. When you are suffering, He is
grieving alongside you. And if you come to Him, He will comfort you,
strengthen you, and even help you grow through your struggles.

We serve a God who is not surprised by anything. We can rest easier when we
remember that God holds His people securely in love and He has promised to
right every wrong. We can know that God is ultimately in control, and He is
going to make things work out just how they are meant to work out in the
end. On the last day, Jesus will return. The Risen King will restore His
creation, and all His people will live and reign with Him forever. Nothing
can stop His kingdom from coming. Even when we don’t understand what is
going on, we can trust God because He is trustworthy. ⦁ Emily Acker

⦁ When is it hardest for you to trust God? In these times, we can look to
Jesus, who revealed God’s deep love and kindness when He died on the cross.
When we see hurt and confusion and corruption and violence in
our world or in our lives, we can come to Jesus with all our frustrations,
sorrows, fears, and questions. His goodness and love are sure, and He will
reveal Himself to those who seek Him.

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart
through all generations. Psalm 33:11 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Romans 8:18-Romans 8:39; Psalm 33:11; Genesis 50:20; Isaiah 55:6-Isaiah 55:13

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