Ever since I learned to walk, I have had a tendency to look everywhereexcept where I am going. And this has caused a lot of bumping into things and other mishaps. It’s no wonder that as I was growing up my dad would always tell me to walk in front of him so he could see me. When I was little, there was a time when I insisted I could manage and went behind him. You guessed itas soon as he was five steps ahead, he heard a loud bang and a little girl sobbing. As we get older, we might outgrow our accident-prone nature, but we still yearn for Someone who sees us, especially when things become challenging. In today’s Bible passage, while Hagar was running away from Sarai, who mistreated her, she didn’t expect Someone saw her misery. Yet the Lord sent an angel to assure Hagar that God saw what she was going through. More than seeing her struggles, He even promised to increase her descendants. He saw her suffering and promised to one day bring good through her difficult situation. In response, she called God *El Roi*which means the God who sees me (Genesis 16:13). As Christians, when we are faced with challenges, it’s easy for us to forget we have a God who sees us. God knows what we are going through. Jesus knows what we need and when we need it. He is with us, and He is working all situations for good (Matthew 28:20; Romans 8:28). When you struggle, will you look to the God who sees you? Jennifer A. Sun What struggles do you need God to see you through today? Read 1 Peter 5:7 and Hebrews 4:14-16. When we’re struggling, why can we call out to the God who sees us? Read Romans 8:18-25, 28-29 and Revelation 21:1-5. Because of Jesus, will pain and struggle last forever? She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: You are the God who sees me, for she said, I have now seen the One who sees me. Genesis 16:13 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Genesis 16
The last stars winked out. The sun rose, as it had countless mornings before. The oxygenated atmosphere glowed blue, and the clouds pink and...
Ever heard of Habakkuk? This book of the Bible is rarely preached on or even discussed, which is a shame because it’s a fantastic...
READ: PSALMS 6; 42; JOHN 11:1-44 When was the last time you had a good cry? I’m not talking about letting a few tears...