READ: PSALM 148; LUKE 19:36-40
The towering oaks,
And every blade of grass,
Have all spoken.
The clouds in the sky,
And the birds in the trees,
All reply—
“Great is He!”
Great is the One who made us,
Great is the God of gods,
Great is the One who loves,
And has determined the path we’ve trod.
The fox’s tail swishes,
Sunset’s colors change,
Water teems with splashing fishes.
The breeze in the trees,
The flowers on the ground—
How great is He!
Make a joyful sound! • Josefine Engle
• What is your favorite part of God’s creation? Have you ever thought about this part of creation praising God?
• When we praise Jesus, we join with creation! How do you like to praise Him?
Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. Psalm 148:3 (CSB)
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