The universe is so large, the stars so far away in the night sky, and
yet the same God who made the stars also made us.
When we start to doubt our worth or worry that there isn’t a reason for our
lives, we can consider the stars in the night sky and the flowers in the
field. In Matthew 6:26-33, Jesus says the flowers do nothing to become
beautiful, and yet they are. God made them that way. They remind us that we
don’t have to worry about anything, whether in this life or what is to
come, because the same God who cares for the flowers will also take care of
God took the time to create everything in the universe, from the
faraway galaxies to the flowers underfoot. He made all things good. He
created a beautiful world, and that includes us.
Whenever we start to wonder why we are here or what our purpose is, we can
turn to Him. He made us, and He does not make mistakes. Each of us is so
immeasurably valuable to God. He showed how much we are worth to Him when
He came to earth in human flesh to live and die for us. But death couldn’t
hold the loving CreatorJesus rose from the grave! Each of us has life
because of HimHe is the author of life. And if we’ve put our trust in
Jesus, we have the sure hope of eternal life with Him.
When we look to God, the Creator of the universe, we find out just
how valuable we truly are. As we seek to follow Jesus with our lives, we
can have peace in doing whatever He calls us to do. Any small task for Him
is a worthy cause. He made the stars in the vast night sky, He made the
flowers in the nearby fields, and He made us. Bethany Acker
How can looking at the things God has made remind us of our own worth and
How might remembering that we are each created by God affect the way we
treat one another?
And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers he will certainly care
for you. Matthew 6:30a (NLT)
Read Verses:
Psalm 33:6; Matthew 6:26-Matthew 6:33
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