Help Her in the Struggle

May 23, 2022 00:03:11
Help Her in the Struggle
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Help Her in the Struggle

May 23 2022 | 00:03:11


Show Notes

I see her struggle and it hurts I believe it hurts you too, Jesus Help her understand that you know Help her see that you are in control Let her hold on a little longer Let her become a little stronger I see her push through another day My heart breaks to watch her, so I pray I have no real control You are the One ultimately in control I want the best for her You want the best for her Help her see that we care about her Help her be brave and not fear Help her as she struggles It hurts for me to watch Emily Acker Have you ever had a family member go through something so difficult that it broke your heart just to watch them? Have you had a friend face an illness where it felt like God had abandoned them? God cares deeply about our suffering. He doesn’t stand far away from our pain, rather He came near and experienced it with us. He endured the cross, even to the point of death. And then He rose from the dead, defeating death forever. If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can look forward to the day He will return and fully heal every hurt. In the meantime, He promises to be with usgrieving our hurts alongside us and caring for our needs. Can you think of a time you were struggling, and you felt God’s presence? If not, you can ask Him right now to let you know He’s with you. God often reveals Himself through the community of believers and through His Word. Who is someone in your life who is struggling? Consider taking a moment to pray for them. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. Psalm 46:7 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Psalm 46

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