I cannot fight this darkness deep
I cannot find my way
Help me, O my God
The faithful, godly people
Have vanished from the world
Help me, O my God
The poor and needy gasp for help
That’s nowhere to be found
Help them, O my God
The wicked encompass the earth
They shout out, exalting all evil
Help us, O my God
Your light has fought its way to me
Parting through the mighty sea
Help me, O my God
The strength of God enables us
Helps us finish what we must
Help us, O my God
Drive away the dark of night
Draw me ever to your light
Help me, O my God Leah Najimy
What problems feel overwhelming to you todayeither in your own life or
in the world?
God invites us to be honest with Him about the suffering we see and
experience, and to cry out to Him. God hears the prayers of His people, and
He does help. He parted the Red Sea to save the Israelites (Exodus 14:29),
and His Son came to earth to save everyone who would believe in Him. Jesus
is the Light of the World, and the darkness can never overcome Him (John
1:4-5; 8:12). How might remembering the ways God has revealed His power and
love in the past give us hope to bring our concerns to Him in the present?
Hasten, O God, to save me; come quickly, Lord, to help me. Psalm 70:1 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Psalm 12; Psalm 94:16-Psalm 94:22; Psalm 70:1
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