After a long week of boring classes and demanding homework assignments, I was very excited when the weekend arrived. I was free to enjoy myself, at least for a few hours. I didn’t have any big plansone of my new college friends was going to come over, and we were going to watch an episode of a TV show together. When we finished the episode, my new friend invited me and my roommate over to her dorm room. She made popcorn for us to share, talked with us about life, and even offered to make us hot tea in her microwave. My friend’s hospitality was simple yet incredibly thoughtful. Everything from the freshly-popped popcorn to her words of encouragement made our evening special. Her example serves as a reminder that hospitality doesn’t need to be complicated or extravagant. In fact, it can be quite simple, as long as it comes from Christlike love for others. Throughout the course of Jesus’ ministry, many people demonstrated hospitality as well. For example, Martha invited Jesus to her home (Luke 10:38), and an unnamed man hosted Passover in his home for Jesus and the disciples (Mark 14:12-16). Even thousands of years later, we can have an incredible impact on others by showing hospitality to believers and nonbelievers alike. Our acts of hospitality do not require four-course meals, countless hours of cleaning, or elaborate decor. Hospitality simply requires a servant’s heartrooted in Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit. Grace McCready What do you think of when you hear the word hospitality? Do you automatically think of an elaborate dinner party? Or can hospitality be something simpler? What is one thing you can do to show hospitality to someone this week? Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:9 (NKJV)
Read Verses:
Romans 12:9-13; 1 Peter 4:7-11
Every Christmas, I hear about the wise men coming to Bethlehem to see baby Jesus as recorded in Matthew 2. But why is this...
READ: GENESIS 1:27; 1 JOHN 4:7-19 You probably already know that snowflakes are remarkably unique from one another. And the reason each snowflake has...
This morning as I was reaching for my Bible, I was soul-weary from a week of grief and tears. I needed to be saturated...