How to Handle Temptation

October 02, 2020 00:03:52
How to Handle Temptation
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
How to Handle Temptation

Oct 02 2020 | 00:03:52


Show Notes

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by temptations around you? Our world is packed with opportunities to sin. Temptation seems to be around every corner. Each day, when we look at our phones or go to school, we can be faced with jealousy, greed, lust, and so many other temptations to sinto doubt God’s plan. Chapter 1 of the book of James in the Bible talks about the struggle we all have with temptation and trusting God. Verses 12-18 talk about two possible responses to temptation in our lives. First, we can respond by blaming God (verse 13). It’s easy to become frustrated when we’re tempted because sin lies to our hearts and seems so good. Even though we know it’s not right, it’s easy to doubt God’s goodness in those moments. That’s why James points out a second, better way to respond: instead of doubting God’s goodness and blaming Him for the temptations we face, we can respond by trusting in the character of God. James says, Don’t be deceived (verse 16). In other words, don’t let your flesh lie to you. Instead, James points out two important truths about God’s goodness: (1) the good things in our lives are really gifts from God (verse 17) and (2) God is never the cause of our temptation (verses 13-14). God is good, and His character is unchanging. We have a God who cares for us and made a way for us to know Him through Jesus Christ. A God who is working His good kingdom purposes through the hardest of situations (Romans 8:28-30; James 1:2-4, 16-18). When we face temptation, James reminds us not to give in and blame God. Because no matter the temptations or trials we face, God is good, and we can always turn to Him for hope and for reminders of who we are in Him. Phil Cox When you encounter temptation, what verses from today’s devotion can you use to remember that God is good and wants you to have victory over temptation to sin? Read Romans 8. What truths from this chapter can help you remember your identity in Christ when you are tempted to sin? Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 (NIV)


Read Verses:

James 1:12-18

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