Humble Gift

December 25, 2024 00:04:17
Humble Gift
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Humble Gift

Dec 25 2024 | 00:04:17


Show Notes

READ: ISAIAH 53:2; LUKE 2:4-7; JOHN 3:16-17; 10:10-11

What matters more, the fancy wrapping on a gift or what’s inside? Once the paper and bows are off the present, we rarely think about them again. All we care about is what we’ve just unwrapped.

Jesus proved that all the fancy “wrapping” didn’t matter when He was born where the animals were kept. Jesus is God’s Son. He could have been born anywhere. He could have shown the whole world who He was with fancy clothes and a beautiful palace to live in. Instead, He was humble, wrapped in cloths, and laid in a manger.

Jesus showed us that the greatest thing about Him coming down to earth was Himself. He was the gift. He was born by the will of God the Father so that He could save the world.

Jesus grew up with his parents, Mary and Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter, and Jesus’s life was nothing fancy. But even when He was grown, He never demanded anything fancy. Even though He is God the Son, He didn’t try to look or act like He deserved recognition. He was humble, and He treated people well. In His greatest act of love and humility, Jesus gave up His very life. He died to give us forgiveness. And then He rose again to give us new life.

It’s not what’s on the outside that matters, but it’s the gift that counts. Jesus was the greatest gift on that Christmas so many years ago, and His gift of life will last forever. • Bethany Acker

• Were you ever excited about a gift because of the wrapping, but disappointed by what was inside? Or maybe the wrapping wasn’t exciting, but the gift was much better than expected?

• Especially at Christmas, we have the opportunity to remember how amazing it is that Jesus came in such a humble way, and yet He is the greatest gift of all. Because of Jesus, we can know God, experience His wonderful love for us, be forgiven from all our sin, and live with Him forever. Consider taking some time just to thank Him today.

• If you want to dig deeper, read Matthew 20:25-28; Luke 4:17-22; 19:10; John 14:6; 18:37; Philippians 2:5-11.

She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger. Luke 2:7 (NLT) 

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