Are you hungry for justice?
Do you thirst for light in a dark world?
Are you desperate for a purpose to go on?
Are you searching for meaning in life?
Do you wish to be understood?
Are you longing to be loved?
Bring your hopes to the only One who can satisfy,
The Light of the World,
The King of Kings,
The Living Water and the Bread of Life.
He understands what you are facing.
He is with you in the storm.
He knows who you are and loves you as you are.
He will satisfy your needs and fill you with His holy life.
He will give you strength to carry on,
And overflowing grace to share with others.
You never have to hunger or thirst again. Abby Ciona
Read Hebrews 4:13-16. How does Jesus understand what we’re going through?
Read Revelation 7:16-17 and 21:1-7. One day, when Jesus restores His
creation, He will right every wrong and there will be no more pain or
suffering. What is one way this truth can give you hope through challenges?
In what ways does Jesus satisfy our deepest longings? (If you want to dig
deeper, read Isaiah 58:6-11; Luke 4:14-21; John 1:5-9; 6:32-48; 7:38-39;
8:12; 1 John 4:19; and Revelation 17:14.)
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will
be filled. Matthew 5:6 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Matthew 5:6; Psalm 139:1-Psalm 139:4; Isaiah 55:1-Isaiah 55:3; John 4:1-John 4:15
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