There are things in my life that I had once that I don’t have anymore.
There are relationships that were once a big deal to me that were taken
from me and are gone now. There are times when the pain of what I lost is
very heavy …And there are times when I realize that the fact that I feel
pain means I once had something good. I look back on the things I used to
have, and I realize I have memories because life used to be different. I
can smile at some of the things I used to do and the events I got to
experience. I look back on the life I’ve lived because of the relationships
I used to have, and I know those relationships made me a better person. I
grew up because of all I went through. I’m grateful to God. He is working
all things together for His good purposes (Romans 8:28). He gave me special
moments with people before I lost those people. He used situations in my
life to help me become who I am today. Jesus has been with me through it
all, and He will continue to lead me. Emily Acker Have you had things
come up in your life that hurt you but led to growth? Read Hebrews
4:14-16 and 1 Peter 5:7. How might the promises in these verses make it
easier for you to bring your hurts to God? Who are safe peoplesuch as
parents, counselors, teachers, friends, or youth leadersyou can go to when
you are processing hard things? Read Romans 8 and Revelation 21:1-4. In
light of God’s good plans for the future, what promises are included for
the present? How can these plans and promises give us comfort when we face
difficult times? Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the
Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Proverbs 16:1-Proverbs 16:4; Proverbs 19:21
The outrage on the judge’s face multiplied, and he spit his next words. The penalty for her sin is death. You cannot waltz in...
When someone has mistreated or hurt us, it feels like we have a right to hate that person. Even if we know the Bible...
READ: PSALM 55:22; MATTHEW 11:28-30; 1 PETER 5:7 Have you ever had an ache or pain that wouldn’t go away? It can be utterly ...