Jesus Did It for Us

April 02, 2023 00:04:22
Jesus Did It for Us
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Jesus Did It for Us

Apr 02 2023 | 00:04:22


Show Notes

Jesus came to this messed-up earth to save us. He wasn’t born to rich
people or given a great beginning here on earth. When He was born, He was
laid in a mangerwhere the animals eatfor a bed (Luke 2:7-16).


When Jesus was grown-up and started preaching and telling others all kinds
of things about the kingdom of God and about who He was, some people
respected Him and listened to Him in awe, while others became angry and


Many of the religious leaders were not happy with Jesus, especially because
He openly criticized their hypocrisy and sin. They didn’t want Him to have
so many followers, and they began to plot, trying to find a way to kill Him.


When they finally arrested Jesus, they treated Him horribly even though
they didn’t have any proof that He had done anything wrong. They beat Him
and mocked Him and called for Him to be killed on a cross.


Jesus’s life on earth wasn’t easy. On the night before He went to the
cross, He even prayed to God the Father, saying that if the death He was
about to die could be avoided somehow, He would rather have it happen that
way. But Jesus did it all for you and me. He did it because He loves us and
wants to take away our sins, to fully unify heaven and earth, and to
restore our broken relationship with God.


Jesus was willing to die for us, but that wasn’t the end of His story.
Jesus knew that three days after His death on the cross, He would be raised
to life again. Now, He is enthroned as King over all, the Savior of the
world (John 4:42). Bethany Acker


JesusGod the Sonwas willing to come to earth and suffer for us. He
wants all people to be saved through knowing Him, even the people who hate
Him (1 Timothy 2:4). How does Jesus reveal the depths of God’s compassion?


Because of the joy awaiting him, he [Jesus] endured the cross, disregarding
its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.
Hebrews 12:2 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Luke 19:28-Luke 19:48; Luke 22:39-Luke 22:53; Hebrews 12:2

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