READ: ISAIAH 53:1-6; LUKE 15:1-10
Shivers snaked through my body. I blinked. The sun lit the surrounding snow with gleaming white light. I pushed my curls out of my eyes and away from the wound on my head. I touched the bruising and winced; the memory flooded back. After we lost the fugitive, a fight broke out. Of course, the others would leave me here. I muttered something unsavory.
“Welcome, my child.”
I snapped my head around, taking in the warm fire and the man sitting across from me. My eyes swam from the sudden motion, but my hand crushed a fistful of my fur cloak. I recognized him. “You came to Abaddon last year. I thought the Elders told you to stay away. We don’t want any of your nonsense about our home being destroyed!”
The glint in the depth of his green eyes dimmed with sadness. “Yes, you have rejected me, but I have not given up on you. I would still guide you to Zahar, the Shining City.”
“I need to go home.” I tried to push myself up but fell back, my head spinning.
The snow crunched as he stood and walked to me. He offered his hand. “Let me help you.”
“No! I need to go back. I have too much to do.” I rolled out of his reach, crawling until the snow turned black with soot and the sun darted behind a cloud.
That night wolves howled in the distance. Exhausted from crawling toward my home, I curled into a ball. Why hadn’t anyone from Abaddon searched for me? I wasn’t far away. I could hear the laughter. But of course, no one came. I was the only one to ensure my success. I was alone.
The wolves howled again, and the wind sent icy needles through my furs. Tears rose unbidden with the knowledge I would die here, and no one would care.
“Let me help you."
A warm hand rested on my shoulder. I rolled over and looked up into his green eyes.
“Please,” I whispered.
He placed a hand on my head and the pain dissipated. He offered his hand again, and I took it. The laughter from Abaddon seemed cold and indifferent.
He led me away up the rising path into the mountains. Presently the moon came out and lit the path in silver light. • M. M. Liles
• In Luke 15, Jesus tells a parable of a shepherd who loses one sheep, so he goes after it and searches until he finds it. In the same way, Jesus pursues us. He comes after us, even when we’re stubborn and determined to go our own way. Even when we’ve gotten into trouble because of our own sins and failures. In what ways have you been pushing God away lately? What have you been tempted to turn to instead of turning to Jesus—such as hard work, busyness, other people, fleeting pleasures, etc.? Consider taking a moment to imagine Jesus coming after you, extending His hand to help you.
• Jesus is the Good Shepherd who “lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Jesus knows that we will die without Him, and He wants to rescue us and give us life “to the full” (John 10:10). That’s why He was willing to endure the cross for us. Because He died and rose again, we can have new life. If you want to know more about this good news, see our "Know Jesus" page.
• Once we put our trust in Jesus, we are forgiven and set free from sin, and the things we used to go to for security or pleasure or purpose might lose their appeal. After all, most sin comes down to loving the wrong things, or loving the right things in the wrong way. But Jesus loves us more than we could imagine. Life with Him is rich in meaning, and He gives us joy and peace far beyond what any created thing can offer. Has there ever been a time in your life when an old sin pattern lost its appeal? What was that like?
• If you want to dig deeper, read Matthew 7:13-14; 16:21-28; 24:1-35; Mark 6:34; Luke 4:38-41; John 10:10-11; Revelation 21:1-5.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)
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