Like a Broken Finger

July 20, 2024 00:04:10
Like a Broken Finger
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Like a Broken Finger

Jul 20 2024 | 00:04:10


Show Notes

READ: 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-27; 1 PETER 4:10-11

When was the last time you hurt one of your fingers? It happens often— it’s so easy to accidently cut, bruise, break, or burn our fingers, and then we have to figure out how to do everyday things like eat or write or drive with a hurting or bandaged finger while we wait for it to heal. We don’t tend to think about our fingers much…until we can’t use them. Then we see how much we really need them. They’re way more important than we ever knew!

And God says that’s exactly how it is with the believers who make up His church. All the people who trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior are referred to as “the church,” or “the body of Christ,” and every single member is important—just like every part of our physical bodies is important. Each person has a job to do for the body to function properly.

If we exclude members of the body of Christ because we think they have nothing to offer, it’s like we’re operating with a broken finger. But, if we stress that each person has a part to play in the church, more people will see how valuable and welcome they are.

In the same way, if we believe that we have nothing to offer the church, then we are limiting what the church can do. Do you think you’re not really needed or maybe even able to serve Jesus? If so, you’re wrong. Things you can do may seem small to you, but each part of the body of Christ is needed. Because, if you know Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit living in you. God has equipped and empowered you to serve, and you are a valuable part of His body. • A. W. Smith

• Can you think of a time someone showed you Jesus’s love? What was that like?

• Throughout our lives, we may be able to build up the body of Christ in different ways. In this season of your life, what can you do to serve and show people Christ’s love? What are some of your natural abilities and spiritual gifts? If you’re not sure, who is a trusted Christian you know who could pray with you and help you discern how God has equipped you?

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27 (NIV) 

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