READ: MATTHEW 26:26-46; 1 CORINTHIANS 11:23-26
A layer of white lace covered my new pink and white dress. At twelve years old, I’d been anticipating this evening for a long time. It was the Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter) when I would join church and be served my first Communion.
Joining the rest of the confirmation class, I stood in the front of the sanctuary facing the congregation. One by one, our minister handed us a Bible. Opening mine, I smiled when I saw what was written inside. I knew the handwriting well. Our minister was also my father.
Five times each year, I had watched Dad preside over the serving of Communion. Each time, I was struck by his profound reverence as he approached the bread and wine. Without fail, I felt as if I was witnessing a holy moment and a visit to the upper room, where Jesus served the very first Communion to His disciples and where He gave them a large part of His earthly teaching. Dad would review some of this teaching, then take us to the Garden of Gethsemane. In the garden, God the Son prepared for the cross by surrendering His will to the will of God the Father. However, His anguish was so great, “his sweat was like drops of blood” (Luke 22:44). Blood that soon would be given for me. Sacrificed blood that Communion represented.
Tonight, I would no longer watch as my father led others to these holy places. From now on, I would be part of it. • Kathy Irey
• Have you ever contemplated the full meaning of Communion? What a privilege it is to participate in this sacrament, remembering Christ’s great sacrifice for each of us who have put our trust in Him!
• Different churches and denominations practice Communion (also called the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist) in different ways. Some churches have Communion every week, others a few times a year. Some churches invite believers to take Communion from a very young age, and others require members to complete a class or give a profession of faith or be baptized before they can take Communion. How does your church practice Communion? Why is that? If you’re not sure, consider asking a pastor, youth leader, parent, or elder at your church.
• Next time you are served Communion, imagine you are in the upper room and Jesus Himself is serving you the bread and the wine (or juice). How might this image deepen your experience?
For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. 1 Corinthians 11:26 (NIV)
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