Ocean of Mistakes

January 18, 2023 00:04:32
Ocean of Mistakes
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Ocean of Mistakes

Jan 18 2023 | 00:04:32


Show Notes

Ayesha, you are under arrest for violating the curfew, the words echo
inside. Tomorrow you are sentenced to the Ocean of Mistakes. “God, please
save me,” I pray. I’ve been pleading all night in my prison cell. “I know
I’ve failed. Please forgive me.”


Sunrise peeps through the window. CLANG. The door opens. My jailers clamp
chains around my hands. The rule book is clipped to my clothes. Silence.


They drag me, throwing me into an open top truck as an example for all to
see, a warning for others to avoid making the same mistake. Screaming and
crying rings in my ears, and with horror I realize they are my own tortured
screams. I can’t take any more, I sob as the truck bounces along the
uneven track to the sandy beach. I tried to follow your rules and
regulations. I can’t be perfect. Silence.


The truck stops with a screech. I’m carried onto the speed boat. Mouth dry,
bile burns inside of me until we reach the ebony part of the ocean. Hands
grip mine. I taste salt and fear. Struggling, fighting to stay on the boat
until weakness takes over. My body is thrown overboard. Icy water prickles
my skin. Gasping, flailing, tears pour down my face, the chains and the
rule book drag me down. The boat speeds off in the distance, a tiny speck.
Here, then gone.


Ayesha, don’t try to swim, calls a voice. “Am I hallucinating?” I wonder,
choking on the water. Suddenly the waves stop; a shining figure on the
water glides toward me. Stay calm.


Jesus? I whisper. Jesus?


Ayesha, I love you more than your mistakes, He says, love in His eyes,
His words breaking my chains. I heard your prayers. I forgive you. This is
a fresh start. Leave your old life behind. Follow me. His words of love
shred the pages of the rule book until it disappears. Reaching out to me,
He grasps my hand. He leads me, and I follow Him to a fresh start and a new
life. Cindy Lee


Have you ever felt like you were drowning in guiltpulled down by the
weight of your sin? It’s never too late. God loves us deeply and sent His
Son Jesus to die on the cross for sin and brokennessand rise from the dead
to renew His creation and His people. Through Jesus, God heals our
brokenness. Consider taking a moment to bring any sin to Him and receive
His forgiveness.


he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:24 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Psalm 32:1-Psalm 32:7; Romans 3:23-Romans 3:28

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