Run to the Savior

January 31, 2021 00:03:45
Run to the Savior
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Run to the Savior

Jan 31 2021 | 00:03:45


Show Notes

“Breathe.” Emotions shake my entire bodyanger, grief, pain. How could it have ended this way? “Breathe in, breathe out.” He was my everything. My past, present, and future. He was my hope. “Breathe in, breathe out.” It is my fault. I turned my back on Him. I ran away. Now, it hurts to gulp in air. It’s like I’m drowning. This is what I wanted, once upon a time. I wanted to be allowed to do what I wantedI called that freedom. But I have never felt so chained and heavy in my life. “Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.” Sin, repent, ask forgiveness, receive, repeat. Every time, I told myself, This is it. No more. But the cycle continued. And now I am shattering all alone because I chased Him away and chose sin instead. A sob seizes my shoulders. How could Jesus love me still? “Breathe. Just breathe, beloved.” The voice I’m hearing isn’t mine. I certainly don’t see myself as beloved. It’s His voice. I would know it anywhere. You, I whisper, tasting salt. What are You doing here? How are You still here? “I promised to never leave you. I meant it. Breathe. You are forgiven because of My work on the cross. I died and rose again to beat sin and death. Your faith is in Me and not in your successes or failures.” I sit up, pulling my shoulders together, making myself smaller as if I could somehow hide from Him. But I broke my promises to You. “I am not you. I am perfect, and I am faithful to My promises. I will never turn My back on you. Breathe. Stand. Come home.” I pull myself to my feet. Next time I fail, I’m running straight to the Savior who is faithful to forgive. Rebecca Roskamp Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, as Christians, can we do anything to separate us from Christ’s love for us (Romans 8:38-39)? Jesus promises to finish the work He started in His people (Philippians 1:6). Read Hebrews 4:14-16 and 1 John 1:92:1. If we fall into sin, why is it so important to run to Jesus, our Savior? For he himself [God] has said, I will never leave you or abandon you. Hebrew 13:5b (CSB)


Read Verses:

Romans 3:23; 6:23; John 14:6; Acts 4:12

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