What’s a raider doing here? A tall recruit balled his fists, looking past the captain at the burly lizard-like figure in the bunkroom’s doorway. Stand down, Nash, barked the captain. He’s got an official pardon from the Throne. Anyway, we need everyone we can get. He looked back at the figure and pointed to an empty bunk. Settle in, Denzen. Training starts tomorrow. As the captain left, Denzen placed his bag on his bunk. He was starting to unbutton his nav jacket when someone shoved him from behind. He turned. It was Nash. Two other recruits stood behind Nash with folded arms. I thought so, growled Nash, pulling back Denzen’s jacket to reveal three black slashes in his yellow skin. It’s him. Nash glared into Denzen’s red eyes. The emperor might think you’ve changed, but you can’t fool me. I was there when you led your Scalebacks in that attack on Solus. I lost a brother when you torched that moon, said a recruit behind him. Everyone lost someone, murmured the third recruit. Especially when you blasted those refugee ships leaving Triton. Nash shook his head. Thousands of lives. Gone! And now you expect us to believe you’ll defend them. Denzen looked around the room at the many faces turned toward him. I know it’s hard to believe I’ve changed. I can’t undo the damage I’ve done bring back those I killed. I can never deserve the emperor’s pardon. I’m deeply humbled by his trust. And I hope to serve him with you. As Denzen lowered his head, most recruits turned away, murmuring, but Nash continued glaring. Denzen extended his hand, but Nash ignored it. He tore the galaxy patch off Denzen’s jacket and threw it on the floor. As Nash strode away, Denzen bent to retrieve the patch. Standing, he caught a glimpse of the nearest moon through the ship’s window. He ran his fingers over the patch’s seams, remembering when the emperor gave it to him, and pressed the patch to his heart. Grace Geide Today’s devotion is an allegory based on the apostle Paul’s experience after he started following Jesus. When other Christians heard that Paulwho had been zealously persecuting Christiansnow claimed to be a follower of Jesus, they didn’t trust him. At least, not at first (Acts 12:25-13:3). Have you ever thought God can’t use you because of your past sins? How can this story, and the life of Paul, give you hope? Other than the apostle Paul, what other people in the Bible did God use despite their past sins? What does the Bible say about God’s forgiveness? Read Psalm 103:10-12, Isaiah 1:18, and Acts 13:38-39. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 1:14 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Acts 9:1-30; 1 Timothy 1:12-17
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