In Matthew 5:13-16 and Colossians 4:2-6, we read that Christians are like salt. But what does that mean? What does salt do in practical terms? And how does this apply to our everyday lives?
First, salt adds flavor. As Christians, we can add flavor to the lives of the people around us by sharing the love of Jesus. When we add salt to other people’s lives, they get a taste of what Jesus is like (Psalm 34:8).
Second, salt makes you thirsty, letting your body know you need water. And like salt, Christians can help people around us become aware of their need for Jesus. When people see what knowing Jesus truly means to us and hear about what He’s done for us, they might become interested in knowing more about Him for themselves (John 7:37).
Third, in the days before modern medicine, salt was often used to disinfect a wound. In a similar way, Christians have the good news of Jesus. He has provided the antidote for sin and all the brokenness it causes through dying on the cross and rising from the grave for us. Because we know Jesus, we get to look forward to the day He will return and fully restore His creation, and in the meantime, we get to see glimpses of His healing in our own lives—whether it be physically, spiritually, emotionally, or relationally. Sharing the story of Jesus in a loving way reminds us of the healing work Jesus has done in us and introduces others to the healing He can do in their lives.
So today, as Christians, let us consider how we might share the salt of God’s healing love with our community, and let us rest in that same salty story where we found—and continue to find—our healing. • A. W. Smith
• Which of the three characteristics of salt listed above stuck out to you the most? Why?
• What questions do you have about how to share the gospel in a loving way? Consider taking some time to pray, asking God about this in the space below.
• Who are trusted Christians in your life you could talk with about loving ways to share the good news of Jesus?
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6 (NIV)
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