READ: PSALM 139; ISAIAH 41:10, 13
My life has taken me
Down twisting and turning paths
Like a pretzel
I have never had it easy
My path has never been a straight line
Through every question and every fear
Through every change in my course
I have felt You with me
I have leaned on Your guidance
I have known I am not alone
My life has made me wonder
And question where I’m going
The rocky paths
They’ve made me think I need to turn around
But I have kept going
You have held me through it all
You have helped me find my way • Emily Acker
• Have you had times in your life when everything feels confusing and every decision feels wrong? When we don’t know what to do, how could it be freeing to know that God doesn’t expect us to have all the answers, and He invites us to rely on Him?
• God sees us, in all our questions and uncertainties, and He has compassion on us. He doesn’t always give us answers to every question, yet He does promise to be with us and help us. Though the journey of our lives may seem twisting and turning, He is working out His good purposes through every bend in the road and every setback, and He is transforming us more and more into the image of our loving Savior, Jesus (Romans 8:28-29). How might knowing that God understands every detail about our lives, even when we don’t, give us hope in times of uncertainty?
Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 (CSB)
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