Perseverance in Prayer

October 09, 2020 00:03:04
Perseverance in Prayer
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Perseverance in Prayer

Oct 09 2020 | 00:03:04


Show Notes

Have you ever felt like you have lost the heart to pray? It could be for any number of reasons. Jesus knows there are times we may be discouraged from praying, and so He tells a parable in Luke 18 meant to encourage His people to not give up praying. The first character in this story is a judge. Right away, we learn this is not a God-fearing or people-respecting judge, meaning he’s probably not going to settle your case fairly. Chances are, to get a favorable ruling, you’d probably need to grease this judge’s palm. Next, we meet the second character in the story: an impoverished widow seeking justice from the unjust judge. This widow doesn’t have the influence, power, or money necessary to sway his opinion. So, what does the widow do? She perseveres. Eventually the judge gives the widow a just ruling because he becomes so sick and tired of her pestering him (verse 5)! Now, we may read this parable and think the judge is supposed to be God. If that were true, then God would be a grumpy, unfair judge who only listens to us if we bug Him enough. But this view of God couldn’t be further from the truth! Notice how Jesus explains the parable in verses 6 and 7: if even the unjust judge in this story answered the widow’s request because of her perseverance, how much more will a perfectly just and loving God answer our requests? With this truth in mind, we can be encouraged to persevere in our prayers. Jonathon Fuller What are some things that discourage you from praying? What specific characteristics of God encourage you to not give up praying? Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Luke 18:1-8

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