Psalm 73: Tell God the Truth (Part 1)

November 20, 2024 00:04:44
Psalm 73: Tell God the Truth (Part 1)
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Psalm 73: Tell God the Truth (Part 1)

Nov 20 2024 | 00:04:44


Show Notes

READ: PSALM 73:1-15; HEBREWS 4:14-16

Usually when I hear adults pray publicly, they sound very wise. They thank God and ask for blessings, but they never complain or disagree with God. But that’s not how people pray in the Bible. Just read the book of Psalms. They tell God what’s really on their hearts. Sometimes it’s how much they love and worship God, but other times it’s how scared or sad they are, or they even tell God that it seems like He’s not being fair.

For example, in Psalm 73 a guy named Asaph has a problem. He’s doing what’s right, but his life is hard and painful. Meanwhile, the guys who don’t care about God are healthy, rich, popular, and successful. So Asaph asks, Is serving God worth it? Why do I try so hard to be good and I don’t get anything for it? Why is there so much pain and suffering in my family?

The truth is, many of us have these same questions, but we might be embarrassed to say them aloud to our pastors or parents or even to God. Questions like these seem “unchristian.” But believe me, when you pray, the only embarrassing thing is trying to hide what you’re thinking from God. He already knows all our thoughts before we even think them.

The thing is, tough questions about God unsettle us. They make us doubt, and we stew on them. But God can handle whatever we pray to Him. He isn’t scared by our tough questions, our doubts, or even our accusations against Him (Mark 4:35-41; John 20:24-28).

So take your toughest questions to God. Journal them, pray them, bring them out of the dark parts of your heart and into the light. God will answer. When you pray to God like this, you don’t always get the kinds of answers you’re expecting, but you will find His peace. • Luke Eising

• What kinds of tough questions do you have about God, the Bible, the world, etc.? Have you ever voiced these questions to other people or to God? Consider taking some time to be honest with God and tell Him the truth about whatever is on your mind.

• God welcomes our tough questions, and He is eager to reveal more and more of His truth and love to us. He does this through His Holy Spirit, His Word (the Bible), and His people (the church). Who are trusted Christians in your life who could help you seek God through your tough questions by praying and digging into the Bible through the lens of the gospel ("Know Jesus" page)?

Why have you forgotten me? Why must I wander around in grief, oppressed by my enemies? Psalm 42:9 (NLT) 

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