Recent studies say that anybody with only $4,210 to their name (whether it’s in cars, cash, or commodities) is wealthier than 50% of the world. Studies also say that anybody with more than three to five close relationships is above average. By those standards, I should be very grateful for my life. It’s not perfect, but I have everything I need for all my physical, financial, emotional, relational, spiritual, and mental needs. I’m really not suffering in any way, and that’s a great thing, right? But in the past, I’ve felt guilty. I knew others were suffering from terrible illnesses, struggling with difficult relationships, and enduring persecution. Sometimes I’d worry it was a mistake, and one day God would realize I haven’t really done anything to deserve this good life. While I should have been joyful about God’s blessings, I was worried and guilt-ridden. Then I read Acts 17. According to verses 26 and 27, I didn’t just luckily land here in this country, this family, this life God planned exactly where and when I would be born. I don’t need to feel guilty, because it’s what He carefully chose for me so that I might seek Him. But this verse implies something else too: He also put my neighbors and classmates where they are for the same reason. Is it possible He put them near me so they might seek and find Jesus through me? I don’t feel guilty about the good things in my life anymore. Instead, I recognize that, through these blessings, Jesus is giving me opportunities to show others who He is. And He is where real joy comes from. Heather Tekavec In what ways are you wealthy? Where do you see God’s blessings in your life? Satan can use false guilt to hold us down, preventing us from sharing the good news about Jesus to the world. How can the truths of Scripture help you fight against false guilt? What are some ways you can use whatever blessings you have to help others seek Jesus? He did this so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Acts 17:26-27
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