Seasons Change

November 30, 2022 00:00:00
Seasons Change
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Seasons Change

Nov 30 2022 | 00:00:00


Show Notes

As winter fades into spring, you might feel good about the transition. The
birds are singing in the trees again, and the flowers are starting to bloom.

As fall fades into winter and the last of the colorful leaves abandon the
branches, you might not feel so pleased. The world might feel too cold and
dark during that time.

But spring will come again.

God created a world with many seasons. In addition to the weather and the
changes we see around us, there are seasons we go through in our personal
lives as well. There are seasons of joy that are as bright and beautiful as
spring. Seasons when we feel like everything is going right and we have
hope for the future.

There are seasons of darkness when it feels like winter. When we aren’t
sure what’s happening. When we lose a loved one, or when we just feel
scared about what to do next.

One thing that remains the same through summer, fall, winter, springand
all the seasons in our livesis God. He never changes. His love for us is
steadfast, and His promises are sure. Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ is
the same yesterday and today and forever. As people saved by Jesus, we can
know that we are held securely in His lovealways. He rejoices with us in
seasons of celebration, and He weeps with us in seasons of grief, knowing
that one day, He will put an end to death and there will be no more need
for tears (Revelation 21:4).

When you feel down or sad or worried about anything in life, remember that
God is with you through it all. The seasons are always going to
changebetter, worse, better. Things in this world never stay the same. But
God does. God is the same in every season, and we can always rely on Him.
Bethany Acker

What season does your life feel like right now: fall, winter, spring, or
summer? Why?

Can you think of a time God helped you through a transition or a hard
season? How might remembering His faithfulness in the past make it easier
to face the unknowns of the future?

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures
forever. Isaiah 40:8 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Psalm 100:3-Psalm 100:5; Isaiah 40:8

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