Seeds of Salvation

December 28, 2022 00:04:05
Seeds of Salvation
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Seeds of Salvation

Dec 28 2022 | 00:04:05


Show Notes

Gazing up at the ever-darkening sky, people in the kingdom of Worne waited.
How long had they looked for salvation? Where was the promise of rescue and
freedom? All at once, there was a crack in the heavens, a blaze of light
that burned stark against the night. Some shielded their faces in fear
while others raised open palms toward the skies, waiting for a miracle.
Then it came, falling soft as a spring rain: tiny golden seeds.


A man, who everyone saw as strong and confident, knelt on a path where the
seeds lay scattered. He heard the song of salvation and there the seeds
lay, within his grasp. The man reached his hand out, then pulled it back.
No. I am capable; I do not need this seed. His face impassive, the man
watched as the seed was trampled on the path by others passing by.


Filled with joy, a woman gathered seeds that had fallen among the rocks. As
she hurried home, her foot caught a root and she tumbled to the ground.
Searing pain shot through her arm. Bleeding, she bent to collect the
scattered seed. A menacing growl from the dreaded creatures of the night
sounded nearby. With one fleeting glance back at those seeds, she escaped
into the night.


A boy filled his pockets with the seeds, thinking that life would surely be
different now. He passed by a cavern filled with sparkling gems. Perhaps
if I take a detour through this cavern, I will reach my destination
faster. The jewels were so close, there for the taking. He pocketed a gem.
Around the next bend, the boy worried that one might not be enough. I’ll
just take a few more Hours later, the pockets he had filled with seeds
were replaced with gems.


Salvation is here, the girl breathed deep of sweet-scented flowers that
had sprung up from the seeds she planted. Now, she gently picked the
flowers and peace washed over her soul. I won’t keep it to myself, the
girl determined. I will share the seeds of salvation. The girl set off
into the afternoon sun, a bucket of seeds swinging from one hand and a
bouquet of shining flowers in her arms. Savannah Coleman


This story is based on a parable Jesus told about a farmer sowing seed.
Why do you think the good news about how Jesus, the promised Savior, died
and rose again to forgive our sins and give us life with Godis meant to be
received, enjoyed, and shared? What might it look like for you to embrace
this good news today? (John 3:16; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 John 5:11-12)


I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. 2
Corinthians 6:2b (NIV)


Read Verses:

Matthew 13:1-Matthew 13:23; Luke 8:4-Luke 8:15; 2 Corinthians 6:2

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