Serving Others

December 11, 2020 00:03:44
Serving Others
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Serving Others

Dec 11 2020 | 00:03:44


Show Notes

Where is your place in the church? How can you serve even if you aren’t a pastor, elder, or any kind of leader in the church? Maybe it seems like there aren’t ways for you to get involved in your church. But, once you start looking and open yourself up to the opportunities around you, you will find your place. The Holy Spirit equips all Christians with spiritual gifts to benefit the church. So, talk with a trusted Christian in your lifesuch as your pastor, youth leader, or parentabout what spiritual gifts you might have. In the church, there are all kinds of areas you can serve in. Maybe you can help teach in children’s church or serve in the nursery. Maybe you can sing or play an instrument during the service. Or maybe you can give back in a more behind-the- scenes way and help clean or decorate the church. The church is also so much more than the building and specific congregation you are involved in. Galatians 6:10 says, Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Your local church is part of the body of Christwhich is made up of believers from around the world and throughout history. As a part of this family, you can find ways to serve the church and God’s purposes in many ways in your everyday life. You can serve by telling someone at work or school about Jesus. You can serve by baking cookies for a neighbor or visiting with an elderly person in your community. You can mow someone’s lawn for free or volunteer to walk their dog. There are many ways you can serve in your actual church and as a Christian in general, and the Lord will lead you to opportunities to serve His kingdom by loving others and sharing His good news. Bethany Acker Do you struggle with knowing where to serve? Have you asked God to show you where He would have you serve? Who are trusted Christians in your lifesuch as pastors, counselors, parents, youth leaders, or teacherswho can help you find out where to serve and what your spiritual gifts are? My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Matthew 20:25-28

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