Have you ever looked up at the night sky and dreamt about what you might do in the course of your life? Maybe you’ll make a scientific discovery that will save thousands of lives, or write music that will touch thousands of hearts. Maybe someday, everyone will see just how amazing you truly are.
All those twinkling stars seem to make space for dreaming, and the moon shines more brilliantly than them all. On a cloudless night, a full moon can illuminate the landscape, its pale glow moving us to wonder. And yet, the moon doesn’t make any light of its own. Instead, it reflects the sun’s light. Even though the moon shines brightly, it can’t take credit for its brilliance.
And, just like the moon, we can shine too. We reflect a light that is not our own. It’s God’s. He made us and gave us the abilities we have. When we use those abilities, we are reflecting His glory and brilliance, not our own. When we realize this, it shouldn’t make us feel less valuable or less important in the universe. On the contrary, it’s because God has made humans in His very own image that we are the crown of all His creation (Genesis 1:26-31).
And, as Christians, we shine with a special kind of light. Because we’ve trusted Jesus to save us from sin and death through His own death and resurrection, we have the Holy Spirit living in us, filling our hearts with His love (Romans 5:5). God is working in our lives to make us more like Jesus so we can reflect His wondrous love to others.
As we go through life, we may be tempted to take credit for the things we do. But let’s remember, we wouldn’t be able to do anything without God. So, in everything we accomplish, we can reflect the humility of Jesus, the Creator of the universe who humbled Himself to die on a cross for us (Philippians 2:5-13). We can give all the glory to Him, rejoicing that we are His wonderful creations, the people He loves. • A. W. Smith
• What are some of the things you’ve accomplished? Consider taking a moment to praise God, thanking Him for giving you the ability to do all you can do.
• What are some of your dreams and hopes for the future? As you ponder how God has created you, and how He works in your life to help you serve Him and shine His light to others, you can ask Him to guide you in how to steward the gifts and abilities He has given you.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness. Psalm 29:2 (NIV)
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