Slumber or Sacrifice

February 27, 2020 00:04:17
Slumber or Sacrifice
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Slumber or Sacrifice

Feb 27 2020 | 00:04:17


Show Notes

I was already asleep when my grandpa called, asking for help with my grandma’s diaper. I don’t feel especially loving when sleep-deprived, but the quiet stirring of God’s Spirit within me assured me what the next step was. I slipped on a sweater and puddle boots and stumbled down the darkened dirt road between our house and their snug log home. With barely open eyes, I pushed into Grammy’s room. She weighed only ninety pounds at that time, but it’s hard to lift someone when they don’t have strength to help. My cousin and I got Grammy cleaned up and settled in bed. Her osteoporosis was so bad we had to prop the pillows and blankets around her twisted form to make her comfy. There was no way for her to lie straight. The next night they didn’t need me. Grammy didn’t wake from her deep and quiet slumber. She didn’t wake the next night either. Only once after that late night did she stir, when I stopped by and brushed her white hair off her forehead to give her a kiss and say, I love you. She blinked weary eyes at me and said, I love you too, Honey Girl. She died the next morning. Waking to help my grandma when she was in need made me so grumpy at the time. Yet the still, small voice of God’s Spirit urged me on, and so I went. As I walk by her house today and miss hermiss having tea from real china cups at her one hundred-year-old oak table and hearing her urge me to take just one more cookiewhat brings me the most joy is knowing our last exchange was one of love. That late night, it was the Holy Spirit who urged and sustained my reluctant spirit onward. While it was tempting to ignore His call to show love to Grammy, I followed His gentle leading. When we obeywalking in the love of Christ by the power of the Holy Spiritwe find true joy. Grammy taught me that. Kristen Joy Wilks How does the truth of the good news of Jesus help us to show love? How can loving others show Christ’s love for us? Have you ever felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit to show God’s love to someone? Reread today’s Bible passage. How can you know when a prompting is from the Holy Spirit? We love each other because he [Jesus] loved us first. 1 John 4:19 (NLT)


Read Verses:

1 John 3:23-4:3, 7-11

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