Strength from God

November 06, 2022 00:02:55
Strength from God
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Strength from God

Nov 06 2022 | 00:02:55


Show Notes

God, not in my own strength
I can’t do this alone
God, not without your help
I am too weak to press on
God, not without your promises
I can’t keep going
God, not without you holding me
I am too weak to stand
God, I need you to lift me
My head has fallen
God, I need you to help me fly
My wings are broken
God, I need you to breathe into me
My breath is gone
God, keep my heart beating
Keep me close to you ⦠Emily Acker

Have you ever felt like the author of this poem? How could it be
comforting to know that, even when we are at the end of our strength, God’s
strength will never run out?

When we feel like life is too hard and we are too tired, God has
compassion on us. He doesn’t expect us to be able to do everything in our
own strengthHe invites us to come to Him and rely on His strength through
the Holy Spirit (who lives inside every believer). Through Jesus’s death
and resurrection, God has made a way for us to live in union with Him,
constantly relying on Him for our every need. He will never leave us, even
at our weakest points. When is it difficult for you to rely on God? Who can
you talk to during those times?

What promises does God give us in Isaiah 40:28-31?

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous
right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 40:28-Isaiah 40:31; 2 Corinthians 12:9-2 Corinthians 12:10

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