Strong Enough

February 21, 2023 00:04:58
Strong Enough
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Strong Enough

Feb 21 2023 | 00:04:58


Show Notes

My heart throbs with each bound I take, my breath growing heavy. “Run, run,
run,” a voice whispers, and I struggle to obey. When I’d found that I had
once again veered from the path called straight and narrow, I knew I
couldn’t go back. Trying to leap over a rotting log, I feel my foot catch
in the crevice. Pain shoots up to my ankle as I tumble to the ground. I
whimper and bite my lip. The pain inside is worse than the pain in my leg,
but I will not cry.


Why are you running? Someone asks behind me. My throat closes up as I
recognize the voice.


“No ” I think as I sit up feebly. The feet before me are marred with nail
marks. “No, no, no! Not here ”


Why, child? He asks softly.


I have to get away, I choke out.


From what?


From You, I sputter. It’s too hard I can’t keep falling and facing
You again. I bury my face in my dirty hands and sob.


It is hard, He agrees, and I marvel at his lack of anger.


How could you know? I feel my face heat up.


Because I walked the same path. I passed over every mountain, struggled
through each valley. Child, His voice cracks, I know.


Tears fill my eyes, and I look at the ground. I’m not strong enough.


He holds out His hand, and I can see an ugly nail mark on His wrist. I am.
Lean on me in your weakness, and I will sustain you. I will keep you from
stumbling, and help you when you fall. I am your strength, and I have faced
the trials you now walk in.


I’ll fall again. I shake my head.


My grace will sustain you. He lifts me up. I will fight for You. All you
need to do is rest in my arms. My tears start to slow. The heaviness in my
chest is replaced by something warm and light. My grace will sustain you,
the words replay in my mind. I know they are true. Lily Walsh


How can knowing that God helps us in our weakness and trials change the
way we view them?


Read Hebrews 4:14-16. Jesus is fully God and fully human, so He knows and
understands every weakness and hurt we face. And through His death and
resurrection, He has sealed our forgiveness. How can these truths make us
more confident to come to Him in our weakness?


My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Exod:14:14; Psalm 37:24; Matthew 11:28-Matthew 11:29; Hebrews 4:14-Hebrews 4:16; 2 Corinthians 12:9

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