Study God’s Word

October 10, 2019 00:03:27
Study God’s Word
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Study God’s Word

Oct 10 2019 | 00:03:27


Show Notes

Do you prefer to dip your fries in ketchup or ranch? Some will vote for ketchup, and some will vote for ranch. Others will say they don’t like either. Still others will say they don’t like French fries at all. Which of these groups is right? I would like to tell you that the ranch-likers are right because that’s the side I’m on, but the truth is there really is no right or wrong in this caseit’s just a matter of opinion. Of course, how you dip your French fries is not a serious issue. You (probably) won’t see anybody protesting about ketchup versus ranch. However, people are protesting about and discussing many serious issues: mental health, immigration, the legalization of marijuanajust to name a few. In this devotion, I’m not going to tell you which sides of these debates you should take as a Christian. Instead, I’m going to tell you the importance of studying God’s Word and seeing what God Himself has to say about every issue. As Christians, our lives should be based on what the Bible says because it tells us who God is and how we can have a right relationship with Him through Jesus. Godthe definition of good, the source of life, and the only One who knows everythingshould always be the final authority in all our decisions and beliefs. We should lead our lives based on His Word because it causes us to think about everything in light of the good news of Jesus. • Melissa Yeagle How do you feel about some of the tough issues listed in today’s reading? What Bible verses or passages have influenced your feelings on these topics? Why is it so important to root our thinking in God’s Word? How does Jesusand what He didaffect the tough topics you are wondering about? And you know that from infancy you have known the sacred Scriptures, which are able to give you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15 (CSB)

Read Verses:

2 Timothy 2:13-19

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