Susanna Wesley’s Daily Faithfulness

August 26, 2021 00:04:00
Susanna Wesley’s Daily Faithfulness
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Susanna Wesley’s Daily Faithfulness

Aug 26 2021 | 00:04:00


Show Notes

Do you want to serve God with your life but have questions about what that looks like? If so, you may be encouraged to learn about Susanna Wesley. She never published books or held a formal leadership position, but her daily work inspired and guided those around her, contributed to the growth of two prominent spiritual leaders, and helped spur on an entire revival movement. Susanna lived in England in the late 1600s. At age nineteen, she married a minister named Samuel Wesley. They had nineteen children, but nine of them died young. They also had very little money and many large debts, and their house burned down two different times. Despite these hardships, Susanna always worked hard to educate her sons and daughters. She wanted to ensure they would all know not only how to read and write but also how to love and serve the Lord. She wanted them to know the gospelto rest in the knowledge of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and to let that knowledge transform every area of their lives. Susanna’s children studied for six hours a day from the age of five. Each night she took one of her children aside for private discussions to encourage their spiritual growth. In a letter to her husband, Susanna wrote, I cannot but look upon every soul you leave under my charge as a talent committed to me under a trust. She saw the value in each of her children and devoted much time and energy to their upbringing. Susanna also took seriously her own relationship with God, setting aside time to read the Bible and pray alone with her kitchen apron over her head! As her children grew up, God worked in their lives in amazing ways. Her son John became a theologian and evangelist. Another son, Charles, wrote thousands of hymns. Churches still sing many of Charles’ hymns today, such as Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus and O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing. John and Charles Wesley also led a revival movement. If you feel discouraged about your ability to serve God, remember Susanna Wesley. You can serve with whatever talents you have, wherever you are, right now! Andi Potter List some things you love to do or are especially good at. How might you use these gifts to serve God and His people, today or in the future? Who is someone in your daily life, such as a classmate, coworker, or family member, who you could encourage or pray for today? And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Colossians 3:16-17; 1 Peter 4:10-11

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